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Female, 33 years, born on 29 April 1991

Alushta, willing to relocate, prepared for business trips

Project coordinator / estimator-engineer / manager

  • Sales manager, account manager

Employment: full time, part time, project work, volunteering, work placement

Work schedule: full day, shift schedule, flexible schedule, remote working, rotation based work

Work experience 4 years 4 months

September 2014December 2015
1 year 4 months

Moscow, c-a-v.ru/

Metallurgy, Metalwork... Show more

Sales engineer
Business concern: manufacture of overhead optic fiber and power line steel accessories, trade of communications equipment (optic fiber cable, splices, accessories). - Direct sales to end users ; - Introducing and presenting company products and solutions to decision makers and decision making units at buying customers; - Consulting customer and studying customers’ requirements in order to fulfill customer needs with proving the Company best solutions, selecting and offering Company products and solutions to customers based on their identified needs and specifics; - Agreeing commercial terms of supply with buying customers, taking orders and handing them over for further fulfillment in accordance to the Company Standards, and taking responsibility to the terms agreed; - Constant maintaining and developing relationship with customers; - Constant monitoring and analysis of competition on the market; - Participation in regional and international exhibitions in sectors: telecommunication, power saving, road construction.
April 2014August 2014
5 months


Construction, Real Estate, Architecture... Show more

Cost engineer / estimator-engineer
Construction company, major maintenance and fit-out projects of the healthcare public property (municipal hospitals, polyclinics, institutes). - Site visiting: taking measurements of executed work volume (general construction works, sanitary engineering works, installation of ventilation system); - Project work volume estimation; - Checking and correcting the executional documents (cost calculations), close cooperation with cost estimate department; - Compilation of bills of quantities, repair tags, bills of materials, concealed works acts.
February 2014March 2014
2 months
GidroPromTekh LLC

Moscow, gidropromtech.ru/

Construction, Real Estate, Architecture... Show more

Construction estimator
- Cost estimation for remedial and construction works of municipal sewerage systems, wellhead completion and location construction, general construction works; - Monitoring for announcements of budget and commercial tenders (special web-sites, e-trading platforms); - Economic feasibility study of participation in tenders; - Compile papers and tender settlement documentation; - E-mail correspondence with tender organizers; - Representation of the company in on-line auctions (electronic platforms: AETP, Sberbank-AST, AKD, RTS-Tender).
October 2013November 2013
2 months
Dörken GmbH & Co. KG (Herdecke, Germany)

Germany, www.doerken.de/

Chemical Production, Fertilizers... Show more

Intern, Technical Department
- International and market research (materials, green-roof technology, tunnel building, road construction); - Market research of present construction projects in Russia (tunnel and road construction); - Work on the corporate printed publication; - Translation of the corporate presentations, business letters from German into Russian and from Russian into German. Communication between colleagues was on German and English languages.
June 2011December 2012
1 year 7 months
Cushman &Wakefield LLC

Moscow, www.cushwake.ru

Business Services... Show more

Departmental Assistant for Research, Development Consultancy and Marketing
- Administration support; - Cooperation with back office departments (Legal, Accounting, Finance); - Preparation of initial documents (BRF, TRF, TER, memos, etc.) for Accountancy; - First edit of the agreement drafts, discussing agreement details with the client and Legal department; - CRM database maintenance, updating office and retail databases; - Preparation of PowerPoint presentations for clients’ purposes; - Manage and respond to project related email; - Cooperation with international offices; - Attend project meetings; - Collection of data for market research and analysis; - Assistance in making property market surveys and finishing reports; - Conducting retail market monitoring; - Collection and preparationdocuments for tenders; - English-Russian and Russian-English translation of reports, agreements and other documentation; - Assistance in organizing internal events.
May 2010August 2010
4 months
McDonalds, USA

USA, www.mcdonalds.com/‎

Hotels, Restaurants, Food Service Industry, Catering... Show more

Team worker
Seasonal job
September 2009December 2009
4 months
Bojole LLC, marketing research

Moscow, www.bojole.ru

Business Services... Show more

оператор call-центра
- Interviewing survey participants; - Feeding data into the computer.


Skill proficiency levels
Business English
Presentation skills
Project management
Adobe Photoshop
MS PowerPoint
MS Outlook
Time management
Немецкий язык
Sales Skills
Organization Skills
Cost Accounting
Investment Project Analysis
Construction Management
Management Of Construction Enterprise
Supply Chain Optimisation
Technical Translation
Analytical skills
Customer Service
Interpersonal skills
Contracts Negotiation

About me

Searching for oppotunities in construction/development/engineering sector. Would be glad to consider any position for which I qualify. At 24 years old, I completed my higher education in Plekhanov Russian University of Economics. I majored in Engineering economics/Civil construction. Construction project planning, economics and investment in construction, finance management in construction, civil building design, civil engineering, town planning, real estate market were main special disciplines of my major. For my term thesises I designed a building plan, work execution and production plans, executed ROI analysis and capital budgeting of construction project . The objects of my final thesis were local real estate maket analysis, valuing methods and taxation in real estate. I have lived in two different countries (Germany, and the U.S.) where I immersed myself in different cultures that were vastly different than my own. I learned how to always be in a state of learning, opennes and curiosity. Moreover, during my time as a foreigne student/intern, interpersonal skills developed, so that I can communicate with anyone from anywhere. Upper intermediate level of English language and pre-intermediate German language skills were significantly improved by the experience of working and studing abroad, additionally to the four-year high school course of technical translation. My customer service and decision-making skills developed during my time as a Sales engineer, as I was responsible for coordination of the complete cycle of communication with customer – from finding the potential client and negotiating the conditions to the product delivery. I accomplished to save confidence and patience in any stressful situation, to solve several urgent questions in strict deadlines. During my time at Cushman&Wakefield I developed organizational skills. I would easily understand which actions are necessary to take for arranging any event and fastly react in case of any difficulty appears. My active life position and endless energy contributed to intensive daily work as departmental assistant. I have had jobs in construction at SK-BIS company (helped them to caltulate cost of construction, volume of work and material and to prepare reports) and in GidroPromTech company (was responsible for cost calculation and project management); I am an experienced user of cost calculation computer programmes and AutoCAD. I got high marks on my school. Driving licence: B category. Hobby: sports, saxophone.

Higher education

Engineering economics, Economics and management in civil building (constructing)
Cologne Business School
International student exchange (winter semester, 2013), International Business, language of study – English



EnglishC2 — Proficiency

GermanC1 — Advanced

Citizenship, travel time to work

Citizenship: Russia

Permission to work: Russia

Desired travel time to work: Doesn't matter